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See what others have to say about their experiences!

Client 3

Infant Heart Surgery

“When my daughter was 6 weeks old, she was recovering from open heart surgery in Edmonton, AB.  She has some post operative complications and things were quite touch and go for a number of days.  Annie came to her bedside and did Reiki with her.  The emotional and spiritual connection though energy that was established during that time was something special.  I am happy to say that I now have a healthy daughter at home and believe that there are many avenues to medicine, it doesn’t hurt to explore all of them.  Thanks Annie, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.”  GC

Client 5

I was blown away...

“When I first heard of EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique), I was a bit skeptic to be honest. I wasn’t sure how this “tapping” would help me with my anxiety and stress levels.

After my first EFT session, I was blown away. I thought if I were to open up about how I was feeling, I would be perceived as silly and petty. Well, I was wrong! In no way did I feel that way with Annie. No matter what I said or what my reaction in the session was (hysterically laughing or tearing up) she surrounds you with this warmth and positive energy. I felt comfortable and most importantly I felt validated in my emotions. I felt like it was okay for me to feel this way! I always leave a session in a much better mind set then I walked in with.”  SP

Client 6

I am so grateful.

I have been a long-time client of Annie. I have been working through my traumas from the past.  Annie has helped me overcome some of the biggest hurdles I have come up against. I can now control my anxiety, panic attacks, and my world is calmer and inviting.  I am so grateful I have learned EFT Tapping for those moments I need calming.  I have continued to work with Annie through her private sessions and have attended her workshops.  It is like a reward when I show up and leave as a stress-free woman to face the world again. AH

Client 5

Pregnancy support

“At my first session, I came after having a miscarriage a week earlier.  That was my first-time having Reiki and I knew I had a lot to process still. I went through the physical pain to get to the emotional release and was then able to process that loss. I then felt waves wash over me as well as colors of pink, yellow, and purple that brought healing. I came weekly until I felt whole and happy again.  

Not long after we were surprised to learn I was pregnant again. I was still coming weekly, and I was able to work through my anxiety over the possibility and fear of having another miscarriage.  When I was there, I was the happiest I've ever been, and I was able to fully love this new baby growing inside me. 

Each session, as Nora grew, it was fascinating to see how she reacted inside of me to the energy.  My anxiety diminished and I was then able to come every two weeks and then monthly as I approached my due date.   

I have nothing but amazing things to say about energy medicine.  I am normally fidgety and when I'm with Annie, I am so incredibly relaxed from my head to my toes.  One of the things I worked through was my anxiety and the grounding exercises and the way Annie explained ways to tangibly deal with stress in my everyday life, I still use now years later.  I can't wait to book my next session!!”  GG

Client 6

It feels weird inside...

"It feels weird inside. I'm so used to being all knotted and tight.

I did this, and now there is air flowing through me inside. I felt like were muscle spasms inside when the anxiety came, but now I haven't had anxiety in quite a while.

It is awesome!"

Client 4

I was skeptical.

I have to admit, I had very low expectations and I was skeptical.  HOWEVER, after my session with Annie things changed.  Now, I can see how my self-confidence has developed and brought me to exactly where I was wanting to go.  It is amazing.  Thank you.

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